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Habitat homes around the world are built according to the same guiding principles:


Simple. Habitat houses are modestly-sized. They are large enough for the homeowner family’s needs, but small enough to keep construction and maintenance costs to a minimum.


Decent. Habitat for Humanity uses quality, locally-available building materials. Habitat houses designs reflect the local climate and culture.


Affordable. The labor of volunteers and partner families, efficient building methods, modest house sizes and no-profit loans make it affordable for low-income families to purchase Habitat houses.


Habitat strives to “build green”, with sustainable, energy-efficient housing with Whirlpool appliances that is, both, environmentally friendly and more cost-effective for low-income homeowners to maintain



Our homes have been recognized by the following credentials:
Indoor airPlus
Indoor airPLUS is a voluntary partnership and labeling program that helps new home builders improve the quality of indoor air by requiring construction practices and product specifications that minimize exposure to airborne pollutants and contaminants.  Clean air is good for everyone’s health, but it can be especially important to those that have chronic respiratory conditionsMore information.
Energy Star Version 3.1- HERS Index + 51
Energy Star homes are at least 15% more efficient than those built to code and include additional energy-saving features to deliver a performance advantage of up to 30% compared to typical new homes. Together, the ENERGY STAR homes program helped homeowners save $360 million in energy costs in 2015, contributing to cumulative energy cost savings of $2.5 billion since 1992.  More information.
DOE Challenge Home
Since 2008, the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Zero Energy Ready Home program has recognized hundreds of leading builders for their achievements in energy efficiency, resulting in over 14,000 energy efficient homes and millions of dollars in energy savings. The DOE Zero Energy Ready Home,  represents a whole new level of home performance, with rigorous requirements that ensure outstanding levels of energy savings, comfort, health and durability. More information.
Florida Water Star

Florida Water StarSM is a water conservation certification program for new and existing homes and commercial developments. Standards and guidelines for water efficiency are included for:

  • Indoor fixtures and appliances

  • Landscape design

  • Irrigation systems

More information.

Platinum Builder 2021.png
Florida Green Building Coalition - Platinum Rating

FGBC has developed green certification programs that apply to construction projects and local government operations. Seeking FGBC certification demonstrates a commitment to providing your customers with products or services that are green and sustainable. When you participate in one of our certification programs, you are assured that the elements of the program have been developed by experts who understand how to address the unique environmental and climatic characteristics of Florida.  You will also find these programs easy to use as they take into account the unique nature of every different project, allowing you to adapt your plans to best address the overall goals of the program. More information.

University of Florida, Florida - Friendly Landscaping (FFL)
Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ (FFL) means using low-maintenance plants and environmentally sustainable practices. The Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ Program was created to include Florida Yards & Neighborhoods (FYN) program HomeOwner and FYN Builder and Developer programs and the Florida-Friendly Best Management Practices for Protection of Water Resources by the Green Industries (GI-BMP) Program in 2008.  More information.

Click here to view the Habitat SSC DOE Zero Energy Case Study

ADDRESS: 280 Alligator Drive Venice FL 34293
PHONE: (941) 493-6606

EIN 65-0326534
ADDRESS: 1400 Ogden Road Venice FL 34285
PHONE: (941) 493-0529

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A copy of the official registration and financial information for Habitat for Humanity South Sarasota County, Inc.  (Registration no. Ch2541232), may be obtained from the division of consumer services by calling toll-free 1-800-435-7352  within the state or visiting their website here. Registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the state.


Equal Housing Opportunity Statement: We are pledged to the letter and spirit of U.S. policy for the achievement of equal housing opportunity throughout the Nation. We encourage and support an affirmative advertising and marketing program in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin.


Donor Privacy Policy: We do not sell or share our mailing list.

© 2023 Habitat for Humanity South Sarasota County, Inc - All Rights Reserved

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